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The Municipality of Lamia, following successful examples and international best practices, has proceeded to form a single body for "Positioning" and "Promoting" Lamia in the international competitive environment of urban tourism with the participation of local professional and social partners. The purpose of the Destination Management Organization (DMO) is to manage the positioning of the city of Lamia as an international tourist, cultural and business destination.

The DMO is an integrated center for coordination and orchestration of the tourist identity of Lamia with the ultimate goal of communicating the full social and economic dimension of tourism in the city, in terms of demand (international and domestic arrivals, characteristics of visitors and consumption of goods and services) and supply (characteristics of local tourism industries, details of their production, use of labor and capital), thereby guiding tourism policy and development planning. More specifically, the Organization works in the direction: 

  • The diversification of the touristic-cultural regional product with an emphasis on the sustainable and sustainable management of the destination
  • The upgrading of the attractiveness of the city and its "positioning" (positioning) in the international and internal tourist market as a new, recognizable tourist destination
  • The promotion of Lamia' identity as a cultural and business destination
  • The application of smart ICT solutions for the promotion of thematic tourism
  • Highlighting and promoting cultural heritage as a value that connects the past with the present and the future
  • Increasing the city's traffic, promoting alternative forms of tourism and strengthening local entrepreneurship
  • Stimulating the social, productive fabric and commercial character of the area
  • The interaction of the visitor with the cultural monuments and the awareness of the citizens for their protection
  • Strengthening seasonal tourism and lengthening the tourist season, so that it is a tourist attraction for visitors throughout the year
  • Improving and modernizing the level of tourist services offered

About the project

Intelligent forecasting, attraction, planning and sustainable management of Urban Touristic and Cultural Flows in the City of Lamia with specialized intelligent functionalities of big data management, mobilization of local tourism ecosystem and formation of new services.

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