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Lamia Municipality Flows

Intelligent forecasting, attraction, planning and sustainable management of Urban Tourism and Cultural Flows

Lamia' intelligent Urban Tourism and Cultural Flow Management Platform works as a comprehensive solution for a) large-scale tourism and cultural data analysis with the aim of deeper understanding and efficient forecasting of incoming tourist and cultural visitor flows to the city and b) promotion and advertising of of the city as a cultural and tourist destination through tools to support the city's businesses for high-level tourism services, adapted to the characteristics of incoming flows.

Practically, the platform gives access to services and applications, which work in a complementary way with the Integrated Destination Management System of the city of Lamia, essentially expanding its capabilities with specialized intelligent functionalities for managing big data, mobilizing the local tourism ecosystem and shaping new services adapted to the special characteristics of incoming visitor flows, through machine learning techniques, multidimensional analytical processing and real-time utilization of heterogeneous data sources.

At the same time, the applications of the System significantly strengthen the dynamics of the role of the city's Destination Management Organization in the attraction, planning and sustainable management of tourist and cultural flows in Lamia.

Priority Axis

Strengthening the competitiveness & extroversion of SMEs – Improving the attractiveness of the Region of Central Greece to attract Investments & promote Innovative Entrepreneurship


Supporting the capacity of SMEs to develop in regional, national and international markets, and to participate in innovation processes


Improving the extroversion of the Regional economy

Subsystems and Services

The Urban Tourism and Cultural Flows Management System

01 Subsystem

Data Centers

02 Subsystem

Data Segmentation

03 Subsystem

Prediction Engine

04 Service

Support of Local Tourism Ecosystem

05 Service

Social Network Management

06 Subsystem

Web Portal

07 Subsystem

Content Management

About the project

About the project

Intelligent forecasting, attraction, planning and sustainable management of Urban Touristic and Cultural Flows in the City of Lamia with specialized intelligent functionalities of big data management, mobilization of local tourism ecosystem and formation of new services.

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