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  • Data
    Adapt your offers and successfully face the future
    challenges of tourism
    Use specialized tools to identify skills, services and
    opportunities for new partnerships
  • Data
    Adapt your offers and successfully face the future
    challenges of tourism
    Use specialized tools to identify skills, services and
    opportunities for new partnerships
Tourism intelligence

Data Analysis in the Tourism Industry

The use of data, research, studies and statistical analysis in the travel and tourism sector is critical for decision-making, strategy development and service improvement. The following reports can support Municipality businesses in understanding their customers' markets, trends and needs.


Traffic index per neighborhood


Visitors opinion by business category


Visitor preferences by neighborhood

Visitors profile

Demographic characteristics of visitors by neighborhood


Fullness of hotel units in the area


Traffic and visitor ratings by industry

Contact us for additional reports that may be of interest to you.

How to manuals

Informative material for Businesses and Investors.

Marketing Plan Template, Guide and Tools.

Development and management of electr. stores.

Good practices for participating in trade fairs.

Development of Strategies

Trends in inbound visitor flows

73 %

more arrivals for the Municipality of Lamia in 2022 compared to 2021

83 %

average occupancy of accommodations in the Fthiotida Regional Unit for 2022

93 %

more overnight stays for the Municipality of Lamia in 2022 compared to 2021

74 %

of visitors to the Region of Central Greece come from France

Digital Multimedia Content

Everything you need to promote your travel services and enhance your corporate identity.

Optical communication

These examples represent some of the ways you can use digital multimedia content to promote travel and tourism.

  • Travel Destinations Pictures
  • Video Advertising Campaigns
  • Logos and Corporate Identity
  • Banners for Online Advertising
  • GIFs and Memes for Social Media

Create fun GIFs and memes that can be shared on social media to promote sales, promotions or increase awareness of your corporate identity.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit metus erat, quis varius nibh malesuada ut. In et nunc massa. Pellentesque augue dolor, bibendum id leo sit amet, viverra aliquam sapien. Sed vitae tellus facilisis. stra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Δημιουργία προσεκτικά σχεδιασμένων βίντεο διαφημιστικών καμπανιών που παρουσιάζουν τις υπηρεσίες και τους προορισμούς σας.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit metus erat, quis varius nibh malesuada ut. In et nunc massa. Pellentesque augue dolor, bibendum id leo sit amet, viverra aliquam sapien. Sed vitae tellus facilisis. stra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit metus erat, quis varius nibh malesuada ut. In et nunc massa. Pellentesque augue dolor, bibendum id leo sit amet, viverra aliquam sapien. Sed vitae tellus facilisis. stra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Logo of Lamia.

Promotional video of Lamia Municipality.

Graphic elements of Lamia.

Various photos of Lamia Municipality.

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Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas aspernatur.

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas aspernatur.

Click here to view all multimedia audiovisual content.
How to guides

Researches, studies & statistics

B2B - Business networking

Explore our skills and services directory

The B2B (Business-to-Business) Matchmaking refers to the process of connecting businesses (in your case, businesses in the travel and tourism industry) to create partnerships, exchange information, promote products and services, or work together to develop common projects.

Affiliated companies:
Our faqs

Frequent Questions - Answers

According to surveys and studies on tourism trends for 2023, travelers want to discover lesser-known destinations and hidden places, in a way that will benefit both locals and future visitors. Travelers want to travel to destinations that offer experiences they cannot find elsewhere, such as cultural heritage, nature and adventure. Overall, travel trends focus on discovering new destinations and experiences, the authenticity and sustainability of destinations.

With arrival and booking data at your disposal, you can analyze your customers' preferences and adapt your services accordingly. In particular, you can use customer reviews to improve the quality of your services, anticipate your customers' needs and tailor your offers to their needs. Overall, leveraging data can help improve the traveler experience and increase your customer satisfaction.

Pricing refers to an important part of a company's strategy and can affect its competitiveness. There are several pricing strategies you can adopt, taking into account competitive pricing and travel pricing trends. Some of the strategies you can adopt are: Cost-based pricing, where the product or service is priced based on production costs and desired profit margins, Competitive pricing, where the product or service is priced based on prices of competitors and Demand-based pricing, which is used by businesses that provide products or services that are in high demand, with their price set based on customer demand.

Obtaining up-to-date information on market analysis data and on the special characteristics of incoming visitor flows allows the identification of distinct groups of visitors (market segments) with similar characteristics and preferences for services and products and therefore making informed decisions, implementing specific tourism policies and targeted marketing and taking measures to enrich and diversify the tourist-cultural product, with the ultimate goal the sustainable management of the destination.

Get in touch with us

Or send us a message!

Όροι χρήσης
Τα στοιχεία της φόρμας υποβολής θα χρησιμοποιηθούν αποκλειστικά για την επικοινωνία σας μαζί μας. Δεν πρόκειται να υπάρξει καμία περαιτέρω χρήση αυτών από εμάς ή από τρίτους. Μπορείτε να πατήσετε εδώ για να διαβάσετε την πολιτική προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων της ιστοσελίδας μας.
* συμπληρώστε τα απαραίτητα πεδία


About the project

Intelligent forecasting, attraction, planning and sustainable management of Urban Touristic and Cultural Flows in the City of Lamia with specialized intelligent functionalities of big data management, mobilization of local tourism ecosystem and formation of new services.

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Contact us to create the ideal content that will enhance your presence and contact with travelers.